Pixanimal Studio
Pixanimal Studio

Graphic design specialized in animals

Unique and original artworks


Pixanimal® is a graphic studio specialized in animals illustrations, logos and websites, unique, original and customized creations. Born from love of animals and design, Pixanimal applies his skills to guide and assist his customers in their project.

You are breeder, seller, an association, a private individual, ... whatever your animal is or whatever your sector is, from goldfish to dog, cat, reptile or even insects, Pixanimal will propose you the best solution to highlight your passion.

Pixanimal Studio distinguishes itself by his quality and his creativity, producing simple, original, unique, and reflecting you creations!
Pixanimal shows great listening, understands your needs and your choices, and gives life to your project.

Entrust Pixanimal with your project, request a free estimate online now!


Logo / Visual idendity

From 100 €

Personalized logo/graphic charter creation, unique, bespoke, that will only look like you!


Customized price

Want an illustration of your best companion? A mascot or a cartoon? Pixanimal will create it, according to your wishes and recommendations.

Website creation and redesign

From 800 €

Site showcase or all-inclusive/turnkey website, Pixanimal creates your website, that will allow you to make yourself visible on the web, making means to identify you easier depending on your acivity area.

Mobile application design

From 500 €

You've created a great application, but in lack of graphic inspiration: do not hesitate and call Pixanimal.


From 100 €

A great occasion deserves a unique and original invitation, on which your animals are sure to appear!


Customized price

Pixanimal also offers services for any other graphic design: business card, poster, flyer, booklet...

Work method


By filling online quote request, you supply a first basis of information, usefull for drawing up a detailed and customised estimate. The more you give details the more the future specifications will be precise, and the more our collaboration will be efficient.

After study, an estimate will be sent, with no obligation from you.

Pixanimal then activates his creativity to give life to your dream project!


All projects can be done in remote work: e-mail or phone contact, documents sharing by e-mail or sms...

If you ask for an illustration or a cartoon of an animal, you will have to provide some personal photos, that will allow to make a more realistic drawing.

For a creation of your website, you will have to provide texts, photos, translations or any other element needed to fill in your website.

Suivi Assistance
Monitoring and support

Once your project accomplished, Pixanimal Studio doesn't forget you and regularly follows your website over time.

You have some trouble, a change to make, Pixanimal remains at your service and assures a free support to help you out in the event of a problem.

You wish to advance your website, want a new illustration, Pixanimal takes your request into account, proposes an adapted solution and gives you a new free estimate.


graphic and web

Logo pour Les Animaux et Helène, qui vient en aide aux chats abandonnés
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme de produits Anilax (Anidev) - Stand Paris Animal Show 2024
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme bien-être Anidev
Illustrations mascottes pour notices produits Virbac
Illustrations mascottes pour notices produits Virbac
Illustrations mascottes pour notices produits Virbac
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme de produits Vetramil (Anidev) - Stand Paris Animal Show 2023
Site Internet du réseaux de micro-creches Cariboo et Cie.
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme de produits PetsCool (Anidev) - Fêtes de fin d'année 2022
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme de produits Silycure (Anidev) - Stand AFVAC le Congrès 2022
Logo de la clinique vétérinaire Vet&Co
Site Internet de la micro-creche Les Petites Marmottes.
Logo de la micro-creche Les Petites Marmottes
Illustrations faire-part de naissance (Février 2022)
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme de produits PetsCool (Anidev) - Stand France Vet 2022
Illustrations notice pour la gamme de produits Actea Buccal et Oto (Anidev)
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme de produits PetsCool (Anidev) - Stand Paris Animal Show 2022
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme de produits PetsCool (Anidev) - Stand Paris Animal Show 2022
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme de produits PetsCool (Anidev) - Stand Paris Animal Show 2022
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme de produits PetsCool (Anidev)
Site Internet de la micro-creche O P'tit Castor.
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme de produits PetsCool (Anidev) - Carte de voeux
Site Internet de l'élevage Of Eternally Bound Souls'.
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme de produits PetsCool (Anidev) - Stand AFVAC
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme de produits PetsCool (Anidev)
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme de produits PetsCool (Anidev)
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme de produits PetsCool (Anidev)
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme de produits PetsCool (Anidev)
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme de produits PetsCool (Anidev)
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme de produits PetsCool (Anidev)
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme de produits PetsCool (Anidev)
Illustrations mascottes pour la gamme de produits PetsCool (Anidev)
Hommage à Delphy, pour ses petites maitresses
Logo de la micro-creche O P'tit Castor
Logo de la micro-creche O P'tit Cariboo
Site Internet de la micro-creche O P'tit Cariboo.
Caricature Berger Americain miniature
Logo SauveQuiPique
Logo Doudou Perdu
Illustration pour le port du masque ChamicalementVotre
Illustration pour le port du masque Clinique du Faubourg
Illustrations Onizika
logo Onizika
logo Esopinade
logo Esopinade
Site Internet Pillow And Co.
logo MAM'ans Lionnes, Maison d'Assistantes Maternelles
Site Internet des micro-creches de l'Orge
illustrations site web Kamecraft
logo Kamecraft
Illustration pour les micro-crèches de l'Orge
Refonte logo Mhirba (2018)
Site Internet de la Clinique du Faubourg - Paris 10
Logo Pillow ans Co.
Faire-part de mariage Charlotte et Eric
Banniere Chatterie de l Orchidee Etoilee - Sacres de Birmanie
Illustration pour les micro-crèches de l'Orge
Illustration pour clinique veterinaire du Faubourg - Paris 10
Illustration pour clinique veterinaire du Faubourg - Paris 9
Caricature chat Burmese
Caricature Carole et Bigmac
Volnay, chat Sacré de Birmanie
Illustration pour t-shirt sur le theme de jeux de societe - Agricola - Pour la societe boardgamegift.com
Caricatures chiens chihuahua
Mascotte/Illustrations pour habillages muraux de la micro-crèche de l'Orge Gazouilles et Patouilles
Caricatures chats exotic Shorthair
La Vallee Arc en Ciel : Elevage familial de Sacres de Birmanie // Mai 2017
Logo Planimalin - Gestion de pension animaliere
Illustration pour faire part de mariage - rottweilerd
Mascotte/Illustrations pour habillages muraux de la micro-crèche de l'Orge Frimousses et enfantillages
Caricature chat exotic shorthair noir
Caricature labrador
Illustration pour la chatterie du Nuage Sacre
Mascotte/Illustration pour la structure d'Eveil de l'Orge
Faire part de mariage Helene et Clement sur le theme des pingouins
Banniere Chatterie de l Ile Saint Pierre
Banniere Boucle Piquee
Site Internet de la Clinique veterinaire du Dr. Daniel Lacombe
Elevage Bengals
Wisteria Birmans : Elevage familial de Sacres de Birmanie // Septembre 2013
Logo clinique veterinaire du Dr. Daniel Lacombe
Illustration pour pack litiere chats
Fanny Bourdon - Dieteticienne a domicile
Ted le Gorille de Cliquez Facile
Tampons Aladine theme Chat
Tampons Aladine theme Chat
Estelle et Kiwi
Illustrations pour habillages muraux de la micro-crèche de l'Orge Babilles et Gribouillages
Scottish Terrier
Tableaux dyptique - Oiseaux
Tableaux dyptique - Lapins
La Cite Interdite : Elevage familial de Sacres de Birmanie // Aout 2010
Elevage du Jardin du Bonheur
Chatterie du Jardin du Bonheur
Ferret Dream
French Frog
Au Bonheur Birman
Clandestino Sphinx
Cochon d'inde
Sacro e Profano : Elevage familial de Sacres de Birmanie et de Kurilian Bobtail, situe en Italie // Mai 2010
Le Domaine d'Umahe : Elevage familial de Sacres de Birmanie // Avril 2010
Sayuri Cattery
Ecole du Chat de Quiberon - Banniere forum
Chatterie de l'Amour Bleu - Proposition de banniere
Le Gniaf
Chatterie des Sianous Calins - Banniere
Sacre Roi : Elevage familial de Sacres de Birmanie // Fevrier 2010
Chat noir
La Fee des Bruyeres : Elevage familiale de Sacres de Birmanie // Decembre 2008
Swahilis et Massai Mara : Elevages familiaux de Sacres de Birmanie // Septembre 2008
Cerfion - jeu de grattage
Chatteries Swahili's et Massai Mara

Ask for an estimate

it's free!

Please fill in the form below. Fields with an asterisk are mandatory. All other fields are optional, but the more information you provide, the easier it will be to create a precise estimate. If necessary, details or more information will be asked you.
If the estimate sent to you suits you, you will then have to return it signed by e-mail, and pay the deposit.
Pixanimal Studio commits to answering within 48h after sending the form. If you haven't received any response after 72h, do not hesitate to contact me again.

I ask an estimate for:

An illustration
A logo
Another graphic creation
A website
A blog
Firstname Lastname *:
E-mail adress *:
Phone number:
Adress *

I already have a website :
I own the Domain Name and Hosting.
List of pages/features you want (Example: homepage, contact form, page for my animals presentation, page for a product, services, etc...) *:
Theme/general graphic design, colors wanted (3-4 maximum), colors not wanted... *:
Other graphic elements that you want yo specify:
I want to be able to manage my website myself, since I will need to add/delete/modify content (texts, photos) often.

Your request (detailed description, use, size, colors, style, etc) *:
* Champs obligatoires



Follow Pixanimal Studio on social networks

About the author

My name is Céline Auzias. Graphist artist/webdesigner for more than 10 years, and lover of animals forever, I created Pixanimal Studio in order to combine those two passions, and above all to share it with you!
Originality of my artworks comes from the combination of sober design and unique custom illustrations.

You can see my portfolio and all my artworks on my personal website.

Design mention

Design Mention

Pixanimal Studio website was selected by Web Design Index By Content (Pepin Press Edition), and appears in Vol.5 of this paper book series, recognized as the reference trend in field of web design. "Web Design Index by Content shows the work of some of the world's top web designers".
See some pictures